Hot summer days are just round the corner and our worries have already started on many things including our life style to food. Maintaining our skin becomes a challenge in summer due to perspiration, heat, strong sunlight causing tanning, pigmentation, and greasy skin texture with dust accumulation blocking the skin pores and many more. During summer wearing makeup and using other skincare products are also tough challenges for all of us. Make up doesn’t hold due to hot humid weather conditions in India and during functions and occasions or may be during outings make up tends to drain out from the skin due to the over active sebaceous glands secreting sebum oils. Due to sweating we also tend to become de-hydrated and loss of water balance in the skin makes us more exhausted. Staying hydrated is the first and foremost responsibility and we should use more of an aqua based skincare range in summer. Second important thing is to protect our skin from the strong UVB rays of the sun which is the most harmful thing for all our skin concerns. Sunscreens with matt finish and gel based are more preferred other than cream based ones. A minimum of SPF 30 and 50 are more preferred in our country but need to re-apply after 3-4 hours time as the effect tends to fade away. There is a wrong myth that applying sunscreen and going out immediately will help us, infact sunscreen need to be applied 20 minutes before stepping out in the sun as the protection of the sunscreen starting being active after 15 to 20 mins post application to create a shield to protect our skin. Also people with sensitive skin should apply sunscreen twice a day and avoid using any retinol, alpha hydroxyl acid creams etc. Oily skin individuals should keep using face wash often to keep the skin oil free and skin pores breathing without any blockage. The basic care will help our skin to stay healthy during summer. Intake of water should be increased along with fruits and leafy vegetables, avoid eating oily food with masala and even avoid more of non veg food in your diet. Avoid street food and food kept open for longer hours as a bit of stale food can cause bacteria in the stomach which in return erupts as break outs on the face which can be painful as well. Try to wear lighter cotton clothes covering the hands and legs which will the skin to breathe and get air. Take bath twice a day as sweating can cause bacteria blocking the skin pores and before going to bed use a light moisturizer to apply on face, hands and legs. During our weekdays we tend to forget mostly to take care of our skin due to busy schedules at home and at work, hence visiting an Adgloskin clinic during the weekend and meeting the Aesthetic physician will help you to catch up with the regime and yes getting a Hydrafacial done and keeping your skin hair free by availing laser hair reduction is the best way to maintain the skin.