Sunscreens plays a major role in protecting our skin from the UV-B rays and to be used by everyone including infants to protect their skin from the harmful UV-B rays of sun. The sun damage is the concern which is related to various skin concerns including skin cancers. The melanoma, basal cell and squamous skin cancers are related to the UV-B rays which is extremely harmful on human skin. Also its been largely seen that all the other skin concerns are also related to UV-B rays which caused pigmentation, skin collagen damage, DPN, melisma, collasma, milia, freckles etc. A sunscreen is a protective shield from such damages to the skin which leads to heavy maintenance and need to undergo skincare services. Premature ageing is also a concern to most of the men and women these days due to lifestyle issues, improper diet and UV rays damage, leading people to undergo anti-ageing services from an early age. The importance of skin protection need to be understood by all of us as mostly in metro cities people get more sun damage than people in villages as a result of the sunlight falls on the metal objects outside exposed in the city or town like vehicles, shops etc and when reflected and fallen on skin causes more damage than sunlight in a jungle. It’s been also seen that mica present in the beach sand and sunlight reflecting on the mica and water causes more tanning and pigmentation on human skin than anywhere else. While going out for swimming or to the beach we should apply a water resistant high SPF gel based sunscreen which should be of minimum SPF-50 or more and keep applying every 3 hours to stay protected. Remember the UV rays of the sun damages the collagen and elastin tissues which causes pre mature ageing process and more visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. The UV rays also are the cause of damage of immune cells which plays a major role in keeping our good health and skin hence regular usage of sunscreens are must to all of us. A visit to Adgloskin clinics will help to understand from the Aesthetic physician how you can protect your skin from UV rays and if you are suffering of sun damaged skin then preventive and solution based services will help to get rid of those concerns.